
Showing posts from January, 2019

the pre historic age

there has no written record about the pre historic age but plenty of remains are found to reconstruct the history of the the pre historic age.such as the pottery,metals,artifacts etc.

sociology as a optional subject of upsc ias or you can say cse

you can choose sociology as a optional can read the sociology optional subject from nios material.the material is good.

significance of indian constitutional preamble

The Preamble embodies the basic philosophy and fundamental values— political, moral and religious—on which the Constitution is based. It contains the grand and noble vision of the Constituent Assembly, and reflects the dreams and aspirations of the founding fathers of the Constitution. In the words of Sir Alladi Krishnaswami Iyer, a member of the Constituent Assembly who played a significant role in making the Constitution, ‘The Preamble to our Constitution expresses what we had thought or dreamt so long’.
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human development index

                                                  human development index the dilemma of measuring of developement of economies was solved when the undp first release its first human developement report at 1990.the undp first use this word human developement index in its report.the human developement report measures three components or indicators health , education, standard of living .the creation of a single statistical deta of human developement index was to serve as a frame of reference for both social and economical developement.the education component of hdi is measured by two other different indicators. (1) mean of years of schooling (aged 25 years) - this is based on educational attainment deta from servays and censuses. (2) expected years of schooling(for children of school entering age).this is based on the enrollment of  the school entering ag...